• Individual Therapy (50 min)


    A virtual, face-to-face, individual therapy session during which psycho-social stressors are addressed and mental health interventions are discussed.

  • Individual Therapy (75 min)


    A virtual, face-to-face, individual therapy session during which psycho-social stressors are addressed and mental health interventions are discussed.

  • Educational Consult (50 min)


    Virtual face-to-face consultation regarding a student’s educational programming, including assessment results, present levels of performance, areas of need, goals, services, and placement. This service may include review of written psychoeducational assessments and/or Individualized Educational Plans (IEP), and/or other relevant documents. This service does not include attending IEP or 504 meetings.

  • Parent Coaching (50 min)


    Virtual face-to-face consultation regarding your child’s social-emotional functioning. This time is not spent discussing what your child discloses during individual sessions, but rather is an overview of their progress and goals, and a discussion about how you can best support them at home to help them reach those goals.